
Showing posts from March, 2022

Informal Ramble: The Deal with Advantage State & Why There's Discourse Surrounding Cross Canter.

This write-up is not meant to address whether or not cross canter is too strong of a mechanic. This is meant to explain why you may have seen so much discussion about it. *Why* are the reactions to this mechanic so strong? Why did the dislike for it seemingly come out of nowhere?   Although I haven't been playing much Them's Fightin' Herds recently, I have kept up with the discussions surrounding the game's system mechanics. Cross Canter has been a hot topic, and I have seen a regrettable amount of misinformation about the option's use in the developed metagame. First, let me address a few stray misconceptions about Cross Canter. Some players want cross canter removed! I've heard this sentiment expressed, but I suspect that it's an outward frustration of a different problem. what players want has little to do with the removal of cross canter and more to do with the greater issue of advantage state. Remember, cross canter is only part of the pie regarding