
Showing posts from October, 2021

Informal Ramble: What I've Learned From Melty So Far

This is more of an informal ramble than an information post, so expect it to be more jumbled and disorganized. Goodness, it's been a while since I've written something here! First, let me address the elephant in the room- I'm not playing Them's Fightin' Herds right now. I've pushed myself really far in that game, and I am long overdue for an extended break. I'm also enjoying Melty Blood: Type Lumina -which is filled to the brim with strong fighting game players. Nothing is permanent, and my feelings are always changing- but right now, I feel that there is more space for me to grow as a player in Type Lumina. So far, my results have been a mixed bag. I won the first monthly for it in Boston (it was me against Spookyblast in grands just like a BBCF local). I have a few Top 8s in big online tournaments, but mostly an assortment of 9th and 17th places. I'm surprised by this- while I have a solid set of fundamentals, I wasn't sure how much of it would tra